ST03A V2.5.19 installation package
Service Terminal (ST03A) V2.5.19
Here you can find a quick overview of the new features of Service Terminal V2.5.19 (released on September 14, 2006) over ST03A V2.4.07 .
New features
- Force download support is improved in the way that the ESRA connection availability check can be turned off by selecting a communication device through the Autodetection panel.
- Software installation via MMI-51 is much more reliable. Event area (Event Memory, Event History, Internal Errors and Data Logs) is deleted at the end of the software installation depending on the settings.
- Remote board is supported (download enhancements especially in Config Prepared state).
- Selectable display type (electrical and physical view of values) is added to I/O Channels Descriptions can be displayed if the project file contains this kind of information. The visibility of the columns of the I/O Channel window can be controlled from the popup menu.
- The visibility of the columns of the Process Data window can be controlled from the popup menu.
- Event History feature is redesigned to table-like display instead of the hard to navigate tree view. Displayed events can be saved in a future compatible XML Event History file (*.ehl) format. Event descriptions are displayed.
- Support of mathematical expressions for saved Data Logs (users with higher access level can apply formulas on previously saved logs).
- Last five opened projects are directly available from the Recent projects menu.
- Measurement files can be associated to the Service Terminal so they can be opened easily from a file browser.
- The measurement filtering formula (PT1) that was available in ST01A is also available in ST03A.
- The version supports extended filter files (factor, offset information within an XML based filter file).
- Multilevel undo and redo functionality for user action on graphical view (scrolling, zooming) is supported so it is easier to navigate within measurements.
- Measurement printout significantly improved (printout is generated through PDF). Five different drawing modes (Samples Only, Sample and Hold Interpolation, Sample and Hold Interpolation with Samples, Linear Interpolation and Linear Interpolation with Samples) are supported.
- Licensing mechanism is improved: more sophisticated support of internal and external users, more precise computer identification.
- License revoking: it is possible to move an activated license to another computer by revoking the activated license during uninstallation and send it back to the Hotline .
- Comments can be easily added to ASCII file names generated by Snapshot and Data Recording.
Known problems
- During a running measurement services like Requests, I/O Channels and Process Data cannot be used reliably.
- The ST03A installer associates *.cfg and *.mdf files to ST03A although these file formats are no longer supported so they cannot be opened by ST03A V2.5.19.
- See Troubleshooting .
Supported languages
- English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese
Installation Guide for ST03A V2.5.19 in Lithuanian
User Guide for ST03A V2.5.19 in Lithuanian
End-user license agreement (EULA) for ST03A V2.4 to V2.6