Service Terminal (ST03A) V3.10.03

Here you can find an overview of the new features of Service Terminal V3.10.03 (released on October 30, 2020) since ST03A V3.10.02 .

Main corrections

  • In V3.10.02 the Log browser listed the same log several times if there were unselected triggers in the configuration. This bug has been fixed in V3.10.03.
  • Cancel option added to "unsaved measurement" warning. In V3.10.02, if the user closed a measurement window with unsaved measured data, the program offered two options: save or discard. Now there is an option to cancel closing.
  • Constant expression handling in online measurement has been corrected.
  • V3.10.03 displays a warning to draw attention to online licensing possibilities instead of .kbr file-based licensing on the license request panel.
  • Misleading warning ("Additional CAN BUS load") has been removed in case of offline DLG processing.
  • Support of RB12F board.
  • Minor UI and translation fixes.

Supported languages

  • English, French, Hungarian, German, Polish and Russian


This revision is obsolete / no longer supported.
Please install and use revision V3.10.06 instead.

Service Terminal (ST03A) V3.10