Service Terminal (ST03A) V3.10.01
Here you can find an overview of the new features of Service Terminal V3.10.01 (released on October 2, 2019) since ST03A V3.10.00 .
Main corrections
- The previous ST03A versions could not distinguish properly between different instances of communication devices of the same type (e.g. if user selected on the Device selection panel one of the two IXXAT devices connected to the computer, ST03A would arbitrarily use either of the devices). The new ST03A version provides a possibility to select a device instance on the ST03A main screen.
The Serial number property of the selected device is set to Automatic detection by default. In this case ST03A tries to use the first device instance detected, whose serial number will be shown in parentheses.

- The Software Installation wizard of previous ST03A versions did not correctly display the Position information field for HCM2 unit. This issue has been fixed in V3.10.01.
Supported languages
- English, French, Hungarian, German, Polish and Russian